Event Detail
Music :: Blues
Bruckner's Fourth Symphony: Wanderers Awaken!
12:00 PM
Bradley Symphony Center
Bruckner's Fourth Symphony: Wanderers Awaken!
12:00 PM
Bradley Symphony Center
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“A wayfaring craftsman, who has had a great sorrow, goes out into the world and wanders aimlessly,” said Mahler of his Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (“Songs of a Wayfarer”); returning Artistic Partner Dashon Burton gives voice to this wistful cycle of four Lieder which hint at Mahler’s own experience with unrequited love. In honor of Bruckner’s 200th birthday, Music Director Ken-David Masur conducts one of the best-loved pieces in Bruckner’s repertoire: his “Romantic” Fourth Symphony with its pastoral warmth, stunning brass chorale, and energetic hunt. The program begins with Clarice Assad’s percussive Nhanderú, which depicts a sacred rain dance ritual.
“A wayfaring craftsman, who has had a great sorrow, goes out into the world and wanders aimlessly,” said Mahler of his Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (“Songs of a Wayfarer”); returning Artistic Partner Dashon Burton gives voice to this wistful cycle of four Lieder which hint at Mahler’s own experience with unrequited love. In honor of Bruckner’s 200th birthday, Music Director Ken-David Masur conducts one of the best-loved pieces in Bruckner’s repertoire: his “Romantic” Fourth Symphony with its pastoral warmth, stunning brass chorale, and energetic hunt. The program begins with Clarice Assad’s percussive Nhanderú, which depicts a sacred rain dance ritual.
Age Group: All Ages
Address: 212 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone: (414) 291-6010